Year's of experience as Computer Scientist
Year's of experience on develop
Python, Fluter
Language most used
I am a Computer Scientist since 2002
I currently work as frelancer using Python to data analytics, cybersecurity, process automation, additional I also have advanced knowledge in: Networking, CCTV, PC corrective maintenance (Linux, Windows) - Servers - Mac, implementation of servers for database, backup, private cloud (OwnCloud // NextCloud) and Open VPN (ZeroTier // Radmin // WireGuard).
I am full time developer since 2018.
I am available to work as a full-stack developer on Android (Flutter) // Web (Flutter, Python) // Linux/Mac/PC (Flutter, Python). I also have basic knowledge of Node.js, SQL, DB-NoSQL, and Docker.
If you are interested in any of my skills do not hesitate to contact me.
2020 - 2024
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